1×10 The Doctor Dances

Jack reveals that in order to draw Time Agents to this era, he transported the metal thing through the time vortex. He would then have them pay for the item, but a German bomb would drop on it before they could get it. The Doctor is dubious despite Jack’s assertion that it is a completely safe and “empty” vintage medical transport. The Doctor discovers that the transport originally housed wound-healing nanogenes at the location where it is being held. He concludes that the nanogenes tried to treat Jamie but believed that all people should have comparable wounds and gas masks. In front of the youngster, Nancy acknowledges that she is Jamie’s mother and says that she is solely to blame. The nanogenes recognize Nancy’s DNA as belonging to his mother when they embrace, reversing Jamie’s metamorphosis so that they look alike. The same is done to all the other people who were converted. The Doctor and Rose invite Jack on the TARDIS after he captures the device that would have dropped on the location and saves him before it detonates.

Watch Doctor Who season 1 episode 10

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